
VT 900 - Gas Flow Analyzer

VT 900 - Gas Flow Analyzer For Ventilators.

Led the industrial design execution and user experience research on developing the all-in-one gas flow analyzer device in a new, rugged, small form factor.

Competitive market research: The market has two types of gas flow analyzers: all-in-one and modular. The all-in-one units are more reliable and easy to use but are bulky and heavy, including the current fluke unit that has been in the market for ten years. The modular units are smaller and affordable entry points but can get expensive when adding modules later. They also have reliability concerns due to using rubber tubes to connect each module, which can lead to potential air leaks.  

Problem statement: Medical lab technicians demand reliable gas flow analyzers in a small form factor so they can transport them quickly between the lab and hospital rooms to perform routine maintenance. 

Final design: The all-new Fluke biomedical vt900A is the next-gen Flow Analyzer Ventilator Tester with all the features in a small footprint. The new case design is 20 percent smaller in volume and weighs only 6.4 lbs. than the original Fluke VT-plus of 10 lbs. The weight savings of 3.6 lbs. were achieved by moving away from heavy sheet metal construction and into injection molding, giving us the flexibility of a more compact internal layout. The new design implemented the updated physical UX layout to follow the lab technicians' calibration steps and preferences in input locations for ease of use. 

user research: site visit with prototype models